
PE kit

ISM green or white shirt only and appropriate sports shoes for the facility and sport you’re doing 

Facilities and Activities

Classes, rotation and locations are on the board in the HS gym and it will also be posted on Google Classroom.

Changing rooms

The ones available to you are in the HS gym, tennis courts or by the HS field - sensible

Bags in the CCTV room in the lockers.

Leave all phones and earbuds in a safe place, you don’t need them in class unless specified.

Don’t leave valuables in the changing rooms

Take off jewellery before class

Showers ideally but if not wear deodorant as a minimum.


Tutorials are always available, please contact your teacher if you plan on attending their tutorial.


No excuses! It might save your life, non-participating students will be working out, Swimming attire- whatever you feel comfortable with. 


If you get injured in class, you need to clinic let me know, go with a friend do not go alone.

IMPORTANT!! Bring your PE kit if you’re injured, you will still have a role in the class, such as referring, coaching, scoring etc.

If you are injured before the class, you need to have your parent/guardian email your PE teacher.

Can’t participate in PE then can’t do school sports team practices.  

Bring medicine/ inhaler to class, don’t leave it in your locker!


Sunscreen- heatstroke, look out for your friends, water, bottle dehydration, avoid energy drinks, 


Bring a towel, spare clothes, including underwear, spare socks and shoes.


Blue and red flashing lights will go off or 3 whistle blasts. Leave the field pool etc and go under shelters, don’t lean on the metal supports! 


No bells but need to be on time to class. You will have time to shower and change at the end of the class. Don’t talk when the register is being taken.

Most importantly - have FUN this year in HS PE!